Twelve Muses qui ont changé l'Histoire, by Bertrand Meyer-Stabley, edited by Pygmalion
During haute couture week in Paris, I had some time to go to Galignani bookstore (Rue de Rivoli) and as always, I ended up buying several books that talked to me. One of these was '12 muses qui ont changé l'histoire' by Bertrand Meyer-Stabley. I have always been fascinated by women who never wanted boring lives -,it's a promise I made myself when I turned 21. The author delves into the lives of Misia Sert, Lee Miller, Gala Dali and Peggy Guggenheim - to name just a few. The book is a great read and immediately catapults you into the world of art, hard work, ultimate pleasure, and adultery. Fascinating of course, repulsive at times. It's my bed time moment right now, and I just wanted you to know...