As a regular traveller, I know great bars all over the world. The Boom Boom room in New York? The Le Meurice hotelbar in Paris? Been there, done that. Hence my astonishment, when entering Le Dimanche in Ruiselede, Belgium. Maybe you’re not familiar with Ruiselede: a calm and quiet town, not far from Aalter (a city known for its exit, because you take it, going to the seaside). Le Dimanche is open only on Sundays and serves whatever you’d like to drink, but at its best: gin (tonic).

The interior has a very cosmopolitan feel to it
Laurent Dobbelaere and his girlfriend Elke Verstuyft run the place, and believe me: they go all the way, serving you the best gin and tonic you’ve ever had. You’re never just ordering your regular gin and tonic here. You’re actually discussing it. You want it sweat or sour, you want it flowery or peppery? Behind the counter are over 150 different gins and what seems like a grocery store: celery and carrots, oranges and lemons, and all the spices you can imagine. The drinks come with some tapas, if you’re into that. I must say, I feel rather priviliged entering Le Dimanche on a dreary Sunday at , let’s say, 8 o’clock. As if I belong to the incrowd who know what they’re doing, when it comes to gin. Maybe you’re up to it as well?
More than 150 different gins are on the menu
Le Dimanche, Markt 5, Ruiselede, open on Sundays only from 6 pm onwards.