Scotch and Soda fw2016
Looking back on some catwalk trends for fall/winter 2016, we may say there was a strong pyjama presence. It's never really about getting into bed dressed in pyjamas like these. It's all about hanging out in them, and even getting your favourite croissant in the morning, still dressed in your pyjamas (and a nice coat on top). I love the idea of home wear connected to silk and print. Of little luxuries privately cherished...Do you?
For Restless Sleepers fw2016
LoveStories fw2016
Maison Marcy fw2016
Scotch and Soda fw2016
Monsieur Maison fw2016
Twin Set fw2016
Monsieur Maison fw2016
Maison Scotch fw2016
Maison Marcy fw2016